Book Shelves #52, 12.23.2012

Book shelves series #52, fifty-second Sunday of 2012: In which, in this penultimate chapter, we return to the site of entry #1.

The first entry in this project was my bedside nightstand. This is what it looked like back in January:

This is it this morning:


This is the major difference:


The Kindle Fire has changed my late night shuffling habits.

Here are the books that are in the nightstand:


I read the Aira novel but completely forgot about it, which I’m sure says more about me than it.

Have no idea why this is in there:


But it’s a fun book. With pictures! Sample:


Finally, Perec’s Life A User’s Manual—this is one of my reading goals for 2013. It seems like a good way to close out this penultimate post, as one of Perec’s essays inspired this project

“Every library answers a twofold need, which is often also a twofold obsession: that of conserving certain objects (books) and that of organizing them in certain ways”

—Georges Perec, from ”Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One’s Books” (1978)


4 thoughts on “Book Shelves #52, 12.23.2012”

  1. I love Nabokov’s Lectures on Literature! I just had to buy another copy last month as my paperback edition fell to pieces, it’s all the drawings and odd diversions that make it one of my favourite literary criticism books. :)


  2. I picked up Life: A Users Manual this year but did not get far. I intend to revisit in 2013 as well. Can’t wait to hear your impressions.


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