“Recycling one’s own life with books” |Thirteen Notes on Susan Sontag’s Notebook Collection, As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh

1. “In my more extravagant moments,” writes David Rieff in his introduction to Susan Sontag’s As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh, “I sometimes think that my mother’s journals, of which this is the second of three volumes, are not just the autobiography she never got around to writing…but the great autobiographical novel she never cared to write.” 2.… Continue reading “Recycling one’s own life with books” |Thirteen Notes on Susan Sontag’s Notebook Collection, As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh

Susan Taubes’s Divorcing (Book acquired, 14 Oct. 2020)

Susan Taubes’s forgotten semi-autobiographical novel Divorcing is being republished by NRYB. I had never heard of Taubes until Divorcing showed up at Biblioklept World Headquarters yesterday. Divorce was Taubes’s first, and only (to my knowledge) novel. It was first published in 1969 and received a mixed (and somewhat sexist) review in The New York Times by Hugh Kenner. A few days after… Continue reading Susan Taubes’s Divorcing (Book acquired, 14 Oct. 2020)

Susan Sontag’s List of Novels with Cinematic Structure

Novels with cinematic structure: Hemingway, In Our Time Faulkner, [Horace] McCoy, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? Robbe-Grillet, Les Gommes [The Erasers] [Georges] Bernanos, M. Ouine I[vy] Compton-Burnett, V Woolf, Between the Acts Philip Toynbee, Tea with Mrs. Goodman des Forêts, Les Mendiants his first novel—multiple pov [points of view] [Barnes,] Nightwood Reverzy, Le Passage Burroughs, [John] Dos Passos Firbank, Caprice; Vainglory; and [Inclinations] (trilogy) Jap[anese] writer… Continue reading Susan Sontag’s List of Novels with Cinematic Structure

Fascination and Voyeuristic Attraction (Notes from Susan Sontag’s Notebook, 8/28/65)

My fascination with: Disembowellment [sic] Stripping down Minimum conditions (from Robinson Crusoe to concentration camps) Silences, muteness My voyeuristic attraction to: Cripples (Trip to Lourdes—they arrive from Germany in sealed trains) Freaks Mutants —Notes from Susan Sontag’s notebook dated 8/28/65 Marseilles; published as part of the collection As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh.    

“Best films (not in order)” — Susan Sontag

Best films (not in order) Bresson, Pickpocket Kubrick, 2001 Vidor, The Big Parade Visconti, Ossessione Kurosawa, High and Low Syberberg, Hitler Godard, 2 ou 3 Choses . . . Rossellini, Louis XIV Renoir, La Regle du Jeu Ozu, Tokyo Story Dreyer, Gertrud Eisenstein, Potemkin Von Sternberg, The Blue Angel Lang, Dr. Mabuse Anonioni, L’Eclisse Bresson, Un Condamne a Mort . . .  Grance, Napoleon Vertov, The Man with the Movie Camera Feuillade, Judex… Continue reading “Best films (not in order)” — Susan Sontag

Susan Sontag’s Notebooks, 1964-1980 (Book Acquired, 7.09.2013)

I’ve been—I don’t know—strolling through Susan Sontag’s journals and notebooks this past week. Collected as As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh and new from Picador, this volume picks up where Reborn left off. I’ll be doing a full write up some time this month—really more about writer notebooks (I love Hawthorne’s in particular). Until then—a sample spread from… Continue reading Susan Sontag’s Notebooks, 1964-1980 (Book Acquired, 7.09.2013)

(Not Quite Reviews of) Stuff I Read in September

So somehow in September, I neglected to write a single book review—not even a riff!—on this blog. Mea culpa, mea culpa. This oversight (not really an oversight) I mayhap blame on the nascent Fall semester. Or perhaps I should pin it on a certain fatigue after working my way through Pynchon’s mammoth beast Against the… Continue reading (Not Quite Reviews of) Stuff I Read in September