“Someone who has 500 friends, has no friends” — Günter Grass on Facebook

6 thoughts on ““Someone who has 500 friends, has no friends” — Günter Grass on Facebook”

  1. Reblogged this on L .OV. E. UNTITLED and commented:
    This is an interesting clip from the blog Biblioklept. Gunter Grass sums up my opinion of “connected disconnection” really well.
    Mind you, FB is a great way to find old friends and stay in touch when you live miles apart…but in the end, nothing beats the connection of sensation. A real face-to-face conversation, a hang out, a phone call or get together every now and then. No amount of “liking” and “tagging” can replace memories.

    Thanks for the blog post Biblioklept!

    LoveUntitled @_@


  2. […] Zilele trecute aveam un chef nebun să-l citesc pe Günter Grass, dar nu în romanele sau poeziile sale, ci în interviuri și tot soiul de dialoguri purtate de-a lungul timpului. Cumva, am ajuns la minunatul interviu pe care i l-a luat Elizabeth Gaffney pentru The Paris Review – de găsit aici – și, apoi, la un material de pe Biblioklept care, prin titlul său, mi-a atras atenția: “Someone who has 500 friends, has no friends” — Günter Grass on Facebook. […]


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