Shanghai Jim

Shanghai Jim is a fascinating BBC documentary about the strange expatriated life of J.G. Ballard. While the doc focuses on Ballard’s autobiographically-inspired works like Empire of the Sun, there is some detail about his experimental works. Lots of cool footage here, but the highlight, of course, is hearing Ballard tell his own story. Plenty of insight into his characters, their motives, and his reasons for writing. Go here if you hate squinting at Youtube vids or here for Ubuweb’s avi.

3 thoughts on “Shanghai Jim”

  1. Thankyou for posting.
    Ballard always considered himself to be anti-estabishment, [What sane person would not?!]
    But After his death, I waited for the obligatory ‘Night of Ballard’
    Re-runs of interviews and documentaries.
    I still do not know the reason why, there was not a night of documentaries, and Interviews, as the BBC, and others seemed to have completely ignored his passing.



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