Werner Herzog’s Wheel of Time (Full Documentary)

4 thoughts on “Werner Herzog’s Wheel of Time (Full Documentary)”

  1. Thank you for making this available for your readers. By focusing through the smoke of the incense and the glitter of the jewels one can experience the absolute truth to which this religion leads. I think that the Buddha, like Jesus, was a renegade and that the religions that have grown up, for better or ill, are reminiscences of the teachers. The dogma can obscure the truth, but by concentrating ones mind, neither rejection nor acceptance are necessary. The first mandate of Buddhism is to do no harm. The Buddha taught that doubt was a first step towards enlightenment.


  2. It seems ironic that the pilgrims come to where the Buddha sat down. Pilgrims practicing all kinds of ablutions and self-abnegations. Asceticism and obsessive chanting and compulsive rituals. The reason the Buddha sat under the tree is that he had traveled, consulted with wise men and observed all kinds of holy people and demonstrations such as that and realized that in spite of the absolute devotion they had, had not freed themselves from the chains of illusion. So, he decided to just sit there under the bodhi tree until he could become aware of how to end the endless cycle of birth, growth, decline and death, such as a human, animal, god, or vegetable is subject to. Gods are subject to the same cycle, too, and a god in its heaven disintegrating into karma is a terrible thing to behold. Again, as through all his life, the celestial beings tried to distract him with manifestations of beauty and desire because they were aware that if he became enlightened they would be lost from him and they loved him dearly. After he sat there a while and his mind cleared of the clutter of experience he became enlightened, or rather, became aware that he was enlightened. The irony for me is that these gatherings are great social events, like a good rock concert, but they are the very things the Buddha left behind when he ignored them. But the Dalai Lama is a kind and generous person like most great wise holy men. Why deny people the pleasure of their love for the truth? And so out of compassion he indulges the masses of their seekings. Or as a seeker said to me, these are rest stops on the path to enlightenment. Or as a Catholic monk said to me, holy gatherings are way stations Jesus provides your mind so that it can take it in without incinerating.


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