Borges Citation(s)


5 thoughts on “Borges Citation(s)”

  1. I agree. I write and have thought about this vis a vis the originality of my own work. I’ve never tried to copy anyone though when I first started having readers in college I was constantly compared to Hemingway as having a journalistic style. I probably was copying him subconsciously as he was the first of my fundamental writers, the ones that made me think I could do it. I’ve come to believe nothing is really original, try as we might, as we have assimilated all the writing we’ve read and it sits there, in our brain, informing everything we do. The point I’m meandering around to is I think your point is correct and the vestiges of everything we’ve read forms our own work and so is really part of one long, human narrative.


  2. Reblogged this on The Tattered Veil and commented:
    “The sacred links of that chain have never been entirely disjointed, which descending through the minds of many men is attached to those great minds, whence as from a magnet the invisible effluence is sent forth, which at once connects, animates, and sustains the life of all.” P.B. Shelley, A Defense of Poetry


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