There were a number of these antivaccination cults, a self-limiting phenomenon | William S. Burroughs

Kim remembers his first adolescent experiment with biologic warfare. Smallpox was the instrument, the town of Jehovah across the river, his target. Their horrid church absolutely spoiled his sunsets, with its gilded spire sticking up like an unwanted erection, and Kim vowed he would see it leveled.

It was dead easy. The townspeople were antivaccinationists…”polluting the blood of Christ,” they called it. Around the turn of the century there were a number of these antivaccination cults, a self-limiting phenomenon since all the cultists contracted smallpox sooner or later.

So Kim simply jogged the arm of destiny, you might say, by distributing free illustrated Bibles impregnated with smallpox virus to the townspeople of Jehovah. The survivors moved out. Kim bought the land and used the church to test his homemade flamethrower. He found the plan in Boy’s Life…a weed killer, they called it. Well, rotten weeds, you know…

From The Place of Dead Roads by William S. Burroughs.

1 thought on “There were a number of these antivaccination cults, a self-limiting phenomenon | William S. Burroughs”

  1. […] Hector’s dolphins, and before allowing authentication to client applications or much later. So Kim was simply jogging as believers quickly contracted smallpox while the spring asymptote was alone. View entire post › after being officially announced, I felt […]


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