“Walking in the Footsteps of W.G. Sebald” — Stuart Jeffries Retraces The Rings of Saturn

Stuart Jeffries retraces W.G. Sebald’s coastal walk from The Rings of Saturn. Video after the jump.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

(Read our review of The Rings of Saturn, one of the best books ever).

2 thoughts on ““Walking in the Footsteps of W.G. Sebald” — Stuart Jeffries Retraces The Rings of Saturn”

    1. I’m sorry about that — I know how annoying autoplay can be. It doesn’t happen on my browser though (I’m running Chrome); I went in to look at the code (it’s a weird transplant using vodpod; the vid comes from The Guardian’s site and is not a standard youtube or vimeo type file) and I don’t see anything that I can readily ID as autoplay. Sorry.


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