Mass-market Monday | Samuel R. Delany’s Nova

Nova, Samuel R. Delany. Bantam Books, ninth printing (1979). No cover artist credited. 215 pages.

Although he is not credited, Eddie Jones is the artist for this marvelous cover to Bantam’s mass-market reprint of Delany’s 1968 novel Nova. 

Nova is one of my favorite SRD novels. Let me self-plagiarize myself from a few years ago:

I couldn’t make it through Delany’s cult favorite Dhalgren a few years back, but Nova was easier sledding. The book is a riff on Moby-Dick, tarot, monoculture, and the grail quest. It’s jammed with ideas and characters, and if it never quite coheres into something transcendent, it’s a fun quick read (even if the ending, right from the postmodern metatextual playbook is too clever by half).

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