W.G. Sebald on Bookworm

W.G. Sebald talks with Michael Silverblatt on KCRW’s Bookworm show. (Yes, the podcast is almost a decade old, but I’d never heard it before; it was recorded just days before Sebald’s death in an automobile accident).

1 thought on “W.G. Sebald on Bookworm”

  1. This thing really is wonderful. I think I’ve listened to it twice, but this is a nicely timed reminder to go in for a third — I just picked up copies of Campo Santo and After Nature. I’d been holding out on them because after that I’ve no Sebald left, but once you find them sitting on the shelf in a used bookstore…

    Also, I plan on checking in eventually with thoughts and everything even on the Tree of Life post once my life settles a bit…


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