Manuscript Page of Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying


6 thoughts on “Manuscript Page of Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying”

  1. This is really cool. Even these days when computers are so convenient, I still prefer writing by hand. I feel like I think better when my pen is connecting to paper and not my fingertips to keys. I like to cross out things and make arrows connecting my thoughts.

    A lot of people don’t understand how good that feels, and wonder why anyone would take the time to write by hand when they could just use a computer.

    Book Lust


  2. Reblogged this on From The Desk of K. McWilliams and commented:
    My 2014 resolution is going to be to tackle Faulkner. I think I’ll start with As I Lay Dying. I absolutely love “A Rose for Emily” and “That Evening Sun.” He does a brilliant job of capturing the essence of Southern life and for someone like myself who grew up in New England the portrait is so vivid and interesting.


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