“The Prince and the Sea” — Em Carroll



Read “The Prince and the Sea,” another beautiful, dark webcomic from Em Carroll (she also did the brilliant tale “His Face All Red”).

London Intrusion — China Miéville’s New Webcomic

London Intrusion is a new webcomic by weird fiction writer China Miéville.

Charles Bukowski + Roger Ebert + Errol Morris

I don’t know the name of this comic strip by Nathan Gelgud. Barfly was kind of terrible. This is a good story though–

Huxley vs. Orwell: The Webcomic

Stuart McMillen’s webcomic does a marvelous job of adapting (and updating!) Neil Postman’s famous book-length essay, Amusing Ourselves to Death, which argues that Aldous Huxley’s vision of the future in Brave New World was ultimately more accurate than the one proposed by George Orwell in 1984. (Via).

“Treasure” — Edgar R. McHerly

“Treasure,” a creepy/fun webcomic by Edgar R. McHerly. From his website The Invisible Hair Suit.