A Great Master of Privacy — Marc Dennis


A Great Master of Privacy, 2013 by Marc Dennis (b. 1971)

Bacchus and Ariadne (Detail) — Titian


Bacchus and Ariadne (detail),1522–23 by Titian (c. 1488-1576)

Bacchus and Ariadne (Detail) — Titian


Bacchus and Ariadne (detail),1522–23 by Titian (c. 1488-1576)

Bacchus and Ariadne (Detail) — Titian


Bacchus and Ariadne (detail),1522–23 by Titian (c. 1488-1576)

Bacchus and Ariadne (Detail) — Titian


Bacchus and Ariadne (detail),1522–23 by Titian (c. 1488-1576)

Bacchus and Ariadne (Detail) — Titian


Bacchus and Ariadne (detail),1522–23 by Titian (c. 1488-1576)

Eddie Campbell’s 1001 Nights of Bacchus (Book acquired, 11.19.2015)


I took my kids to the bookstore yesterday because they wanted to get some more Choose Your Own Adventure books. We got a bunch of those—and maybe I’ll do a post on those, although I’ve never wanted this blog to be a nostalgia-soaked blog, although maybe that will be a nostalgia-soaked post. My son wanted to check out the comics section; he’s five, and short, and his height matched the “G” section, where he kept grabbing up Green Lantern comics (to which I: put those back). Incorrectly shelved there among the Corps though was Eddie Campbell’s 1001 Nights of Bacchus (to which I: give that here).
IMG_0653The first time I saw Campbell’s art I was shocked. I was 12 or 13—it was in a back issue of Cerebus which I had bought in the comic shop next to the music store where I took trombone lessons (don’t ask)—so, being 12 or 13, I was still capable of shock. Dave Sim had printed (or reprinted?) the prologue, or part of the prologue, from From Hell, Campbell’s book with Alan Moore on the White Chapel/Jack the Ripper murders. What a book. I had never seen anything like that. Campbell’s inky lines seemed savage, severe, violent and sketchy, especially juxtaposed against the work of Sim and Gerhard in that particular issue of Cerebus. (The issue was part of Jaka’s Story).  Continue reading “Eddie Campbell’s 1001 Nights of Bacchus (Book acquired, 11.19.2015)”